Thursday, November 10, 2011

RSD Supt. John White Pledges Schools Dedicated to Students At-Risk of School Failure

The following quotes are from Recovery School District Superintendent John White from his presentation to the New Orleans City Council on November 3, 2011.  BESE Board Member Louella Givens showed up (see minute 12:55) to warmly endorse Supt. White's work heretofore and his plans for the district.

John White:
"We know that we need to do more....We know that students that are in Special Education, students that are over age...experiencing dramatic challenges.  We need to provide EQUITY for those members of our community."
Minute 3:40

 "We also need to acknowledge that not every student is on that path [to college]." RSD will produce an annual EQUITY report to be released in December.  "When a child enters 9th grade, we will deliver on that promise [to keep kids in school] through 12th grade."
 Minute 6:30

"We need, as I said, to keep kids in our school system, and that means for kids who are on the verge of dropping out and are at risk, we need to make sure we are providing them every opportunity, including schools that specifically serve kids who are at risk."   
Minute 8:20

  Get Microsoft Silverlight

I guess we'll see, won't we?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Nungesser Bathroom Graffiti

This was written on the wall above a urinal at Tracey's on Magazine St., where Nungesser spoke last week:

"Vote Billy Nungesser Lt. Gov. Oct 22. Thank you. [signed by what appears to be "Billy]

Now that's what I call a thorough ground game by Nungesser's campaign.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dardenne or Nungesser?

Last week I went to EngageNOLA's Meet the Candidate event featuring Billy Nungesser, candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana. Mr. Nungesser's anti-immigration campaign ad "Sleepless in Louisiana" which criticizes his opponent for not protecting Louisianians from having their jobs stolen by illegal immigrants was brought up. A Latina woman born and raised right here in Louisiana explained to Mr. Nungesser that his ad features faces of men who look like her American father and other American relatives. The woman asked Nungesser if he approved that ad. After mentioning the irrelevant fact that a media company hired by his campaign produced the ad, Nungesser responded that, yes, he approved the ad. Nungesser added that running the ad is "just politics."

Mr. Nungesser sees nothing wrong with running an ad filled with ominous images of brown skinned people to convince people to vote for him. He sees nothing wrong with using optics and rhetoric that a hateful person can easily use to support their harassment, or God forbid, violent acts against Americans who look like the stereotypical brown skinned immigrants used in his ad. In fact, commercials and images like these are what make it difficult for us to accept people who look a certain way as "real" Americans.

That is a damn heavy price to pay to just play politics, not to mention very poor judgment on the part of someone who claims he will fight for all Louisianians. Really? Does that include brown Louisianians, Mr. Nungesser?

I truly was undecided going into the event. I left determined to cast my vote for Nungesser's opponent, Jay Dardenne.